Friday, April 15, 2016

How working “in” your business may land you in oblivion

Oh Yes! 

You religiously wake up early morning, negotiate the traffic jams and get to your business with your sanity intact.  You get to do what you have always loved to do in between frequent fire-fighting. Right?

So  which customers did not receive their orders on time? Which orders were returned as the customer requirements were not met?  And the customers are slowly and surely being  swallowed by that “upstart’ competitor?  You have noted an average   5% decline in  sales over the last several months.

Did you notice that your employees keep interrupting your schedule to seek for directions on what should be done next. They also seem to relish on passing blame when a problem arises? Actually their productivity is seriously wanting!

By the way that report that is required by the bank is not ready yet and you desperately need that money to buy supplies that are necessary to supply that tender you won last week.

Where are you likely to be in the next few years if these and other similar scenarios happen to be the order of the day?

What if you started working “on” your business as you do your product.

You are now   clear on what your business is, who is in your  market and  what their needs are. Your product and service match those needs and as a result they are buying more- more often.

You have a clear vision of the  direction the business will take in the next 5,10,20 years.  How much money you will be making, what you solutions you will be selling?, which regions you will be covering?

You  have a  working system for every key function  and as such everyone knows what they should be doing , when they should it and to which standards. Your work is to  just click your way to any report you want whenever you want it!

Your business is the industry benchmark and you get recognized and awarded for the work you have done “on” your business. What about the spiral effect on other aspects of your life like you having more time with your significant others or pursuing other interests/hobbies?

Are you wondering whether this is possible?

Yes.. Take it as a journey where each step takes you closer to the destination. Or  as you would eat an elephant.. One spoon  at a time and soon the elephant is  in your cells.

A client had an elephant in the room. One that might seem  pretty insignificant  to you but it must have been otherwise it would not have cropped up during our sessions.

The staff were not properly cleaning a certain equipment and she found herself having to do it every so often.  While doing it, she certainly expressed her annoyance!

I  wanted  to know  who was responsible? How is it supposed to be cleaned?  How often? What is her definition of “clean”? Were the employees aware? etc.

The position on the ground was that NO ONE in particular was responsible and the cleaning process and standards not clear. I probed further regarding the other processes in the café and there seemed that some processes had  no clear systems or key performance standards! 

My client was busy working “in” her business from dawn to dusk! Who was taking care of her business then?

Fast forward to some months later- There were systems with measurable standards in place and a more confident client who could now take days off from her business without worrying about clean equipment!   The staff productivity had significantly improved and so was customer satisfaction.

Please register me for "My Business Foundations Model" Program. I am sending an email to ; subject “My Business Foundations Model’ to enroll

So, what about taking less time “working in”   and more time “working on”   your business?

Join “ My  Business Foundations Model” program  and
  • Learn which position to take in the market
  • Learn  how to  model your business to “fit” in that position
  • Know which key systems you need to have in place to allow for scalability and growth
  • Know which business statistics you need to collect to know the gauge the stage of your business at any one time
  • Learn how to communicate and handle changes/crisis to increase efficiency and effectiveness
  • Be on top of one of the most critical aspects of business- the cash flow

Please register me for "My Business Foundations Model" Program. I am sending an email to ; subject “My Business Foundations Model’ to enroll

This program is designed for Passionate Entrepreneurs who want  get their business running  more or less on autopilot while they work on growing the business across regions, borders, continents, industries etc. 

In this program, you will receive strategies on how to work on your business to get it working whether you are there or not
  • We have made it simple and easy through a step by step process in each lesson
  • You will be involved in adapting the strategies to your scenario through the various exercises within the lesson
  • You have no choice but to get to work as you will work on strategies based on the lessons learnt and share your queries via email with the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach every week for the six weeks 
  • You will not be alone as you strategise, implement, monitor, evaluate the strategies as you  get  online from the Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach
  • You will have access to a likeminded community of entrepreneurs in the members section where you meet, participate, learn, share experiences and motivate one another to higher performance. Who knows, you may even get new customers here!
  • Furthermore you immediately join   The Passionate Entrepreneurs Mastermind email newsletter where you get bi weekly tips on business success
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as such Did I say that   you will get  updates  on any new strategies added to  the  program posted on the members section? I just Did!
 We want results and will only admit limited number of students.

Choose your mode of study as under

When you mean to work less, make more money and positively impact

Virginia Mburu
Passionate Entrepreneurs Coach

PS...Book your seat early as only limited vacancies available

PSS...Get more timed assigned to working “on” not “in” your business

Please register me for "My Business Foundations Model" Program. I am sending an email to ; subject “My Business Foundations Model’ to enroll

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